Top 10 Weight Loss Tips for Moms - Tip 1 - Why Diet's Don't Work

Have you ever put a time frame on yourself for your weight loss? A deadline you had that you wanted to be thinner for?

Most women give themselves deadlines for upcoming events, like a wedding, reunion or summer! This is when we get really "serious" about losing weight and we are prepared to do anything to get rid of the weight, and FAST!

This is why so many diet products and programmes make unrealistic claims like, "Lose 10 pounds in 10 days," or "Lose 20 pounds in 20 days", because they know that you have given yourself a deadline.

I've fallen for these gimmicks. They may all make a claim that they are "different", but what they all have in common is that the WEIGHT COMES BACK!

For most get-thin-quick diets, you typically lose a lot of water inside your body. This water loss is temporary so it looks like you have lost weight, and the scale may even "tell" you that you have. But shortly after you are finished with the "magical diet" the weight comes back, and sometimes even more weight comes back.
If it is pounds you want to lose, what needs to happen is that you have to ELIMINATE YOUR FAT CELLS.

Here are 5 steps you can take to right now to help eliminate your fat cells:

Step 1:

Get a diet notebook. Write down and track what you eat. Being aware of what you eat on a daily basis will help you make healthier choices.

Step 2:

Avoid processed foods. Especially processed carbohydrates, such as white pastas, cereals and white breads. Instead, eat fruits and vegetables.

Step 3:

Eat healthy fats. These good fats are found in almonds, walnuts, avocados, pumpkin seeds, flax oil and olive oil. Avoid saturated and trans fats which are found in fried food, pastries, cookies, packaged and processed foods.

Step 4:

Eat lean, hormone free protein, such as poultry and fish, instead of more fatty meats like pork, lamb, duck, and red meats. Our muscles need protein to stay lean and help aid in tissue repair and a healthy immune system.

Step 5:

 Exercise. Do strength training and high intensity interval training 5 days a week. And remember, it's not as much about the amount of time you put into exercising as it is the intensity of your workouts. Intensity is a vital part to losing weight, especially belly fat.

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