Like many other people desperate to lose more than a few extra
pounds, I totally bought into the accepted logic of dietary advice for
weight loss.
Conventional wisdom:
Low fat food helps you to lose weight
Eating potatoes or pasta with every main meal helps you to lose weight
... and my personal favourite...
Count calories because "a calorie is a calorie"
This last pearl of wisdom has done so much to help food manufacturers convince the general population, me included in the past; that you can eat and drink nutrition free sugary processed food with impunity.
That somehow the 'calories' you consume whatever the food source, would be equal to one another. That as long as you stay within your guideline daily amount for calorific consumption you will be just fine.
This sounds so logical, it has to be true right?
In my experience as a weight loss consultant, with every client I have worked with in relation to weight loss this is totally untrue.
Just look at the results of this failed ideology in action all around you. We are getting fatter as a nation.
So why is "a calorie is NOT just a calorie" inside your body?
What commentators from the food industry are not saying holds the key to understanding this mystery.
What almost no one is saying is that our body is designed to treat different types of food, well differently.
This is good news for your weight loss efforts.
Certain types of food solicit specific biological response within your body. So let's explain how you can use this knowledge to benefit you from a weight loss perspective.
Firstly we need to understand the effect that the consumption of carbohydrates and sugar has on the body. When carbohydrates are consumed in whatever form they take, be it starches or sugars, they trigger the body to release a fat storage hormone called insulin.
Whenever insulin is present, even at moderate levels it stops your body from burning fat. Your body's capacity to burn fat continuously as a fuel source is fundamental to your success with respect to sustained weight loss.
But when you choose to consume many more natural whole foods containing water, healthy fats, fibre, an amazing array of vitamins, minerals and micro nutrients, your body's response is to keep your insulin and other fat producing hormones in check.
In addition to this the way foods are absorbed differs greatly and is dependent on many factors, but in simple terms; raw natural whole foods like:
Apples, Pears, Blueberries and Coconut, nuts like Almonds, Wall nuts, and Pecans are all fantastic living foods that are convenient and have amazing properties for weight loss.
When combined in a blended form as part of a liquid diet plan, many of nature's whole foods can help provide a constant supply of clean energy to your body, speed up digestion and provide an array of additional health benefits.
Better still many of these super foods have health giving properties we are only just beginning to understand, they can also be of enormous benefit to your body for health wellbeing and weigh loss.
Consuming a liquid diet made from whole food sources is a great strategy for those wishing to lose weight, many of these foods can be eisily incorporated into liquid diet paln recipes that are quick, easy and cheap to make so no excuses, and no cooking required either!
Conventional wisdom:
Low fat food helps you to lose weight
Eating potatoes or pasta with every main meal helps you to lose weight
... and my personal favourite...
Count calories because "a calorie is a calorie"
This last pearl of wisdom has done so much to help food manufacturers convince the general population, me included in the past; that you can eat and drink nutrition free sugary processed food with impunity.
That somehow the 'calories' you consume whatever the food source, would be equal to one another. That as long as you stay within your guideline daily amount for calorific consumption you will be just fine.
This sounds so logical, it has to be true right?
In my experience as a weight loss consultant, with every client I have worked with in relation to weight loss this is totally untrue.
Just look at the results of this failed ideology in action all around you. We are getting fatter as a nation.
So why is "a calorie is NOT just a calorie" inside your body?
What commentators from the food industry are not saying holds the key to understanding this mystery.
What almost no one is saying is that our body is designed to treat different types of food, well differently.
This is good news for your weight loss efforts.
Certain types of food solicit specific biological response within your body. So let's explain how you can use this knowledge to benefit you from a weight loss perspective.
Firstly we need to understand the effect that the consumption of carbohydrates and sugar has on the body. When carbohydrates are consumed in whatever form they take, be it starches or sugars, they trigger the body to release a fat storage hormone called insulin.
Whenever insulin is present, even at moderate levels it stops your body from burning fat. Your body's capacity to burn fat continuously as a fuel source is fundamental to your success with respect to sustained weight loss.
But when you choose to consume many more natural whole foods containing water, healthy fats, fibre, an amazing array of vitamins, minerals and micro nutrients, your body's response is to keep your insulin and other fat producing hormones in check.
In addition to this the way foods are absorbed differs greatly and is dependent on many factors, but in simple terms; raw natural whole foods like:
Apples, Pears, Blueberries and Coconut, nuts like Almonds, Wall nuts, and Pecans are all fantastic living foods that are convenient and have amazing properties for weight loss.
When combined in a blended form as part of a liquid diet plan, many of nature's whole foods can help provide a constant supply of clean energy to your body, speed up digestion and provide an array of additional health benefits.
Better still many of these super foods have health giving properties we are only just beginning to understand, they can also be of enormous benefit to your body for health wellbeing and weigh loss.
Consuming a liquid diet made from whole food sources is a great strategy for those wishing to lose weight, many of these foods can be eisily incorporated into liquid diet paln recipes that are quick, easy and cheap to make so no excuses, and no cooking required either!
If you would like to know more about losing weight, and
maintaining a healthy diet, you might like to check out our Delicious,
Free Liquid Diet Plan Recipes at our website:
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